Altium Schematic Cheatsheet

Project Workflow and Shortcuts for Altium Designer 2020 - Schematic Tool

Note: Thou is the same as Mill for anyone who doesn’t know, 1/1000 of an inch!

Altium Schematic Design Guide

Creating the project

File » New » Project

Default PCB will work for your basic project.
I recommend you use Git, or SVN if you prefer that. I believe Altium actually incorporates SVN but I’m a Git guy myself, and it does have some Git support (although I still use a terminal).

Adding a Schematic

Right Click Project » Add New to Project » Schematic
Right Click Schematic » Rename

Rename as you find appropriate

Configuring Properties

Property Configuration (Panels » Property)
Set Visible Snap Grid (I go with 100 mil)
Set Layout Snap Grid (Again, 100 mil)
Set Page Color (Slightly Gray is Better on my Eyes, Choice is yours!)
Set Sheet Size (Whatever you prefer, it’s rare to actually print schematics nowadays, but I recommend it when you check traces!)

Selecting Components

There are two options in Altium, the Altium Vault and personal Libraries

If your in a large company they’ll probably have their own library to ensuring manufacturing tolerances, but I like the Altium Vault Library cause it saves time and shows part availability. The standard component library does have your standard passives/connectors that you can use as well. I might make a tutorial on component generation later, but school’s killing me right now.

Using Manufacturer Part Search (Panels » Manufacturer Part Search)
It has built in filter systems if you click the funnel shaped symbol on the top left, querying works rather well, and then you can filter down to desired packaged size/stock/etc after the fact.

example search: “smd led 0603 red”

This will yield plenty of suitable parts, and it integrates with Octopart (part availability from distributors) to tell you pricing and availability. Some components will have the footprint designed by Altium (typically there’s a small, medium, and large footprint). When designing for manufacture part availability and price is huge!

when you picked out a part you want to use

right click » place » left click to place on schematic
right click » add supplier link and parameter to part(if you want to) » left click part on schematic

Selecting Parts Via Local Libraries

Using Local/Content Server Libraries

Panels » Components

I’ll be honest I don’t have a content server so I can’t really speak for it, but here’s how to use the local libraries

Installing Libraries

Components » The 3 Bar Icon » File Based Library Preferences » Installed » Installed

You can also just store the component in the local project directory if you’d like to use it within just the project. Querying and Parameterized search is the same for local components as Manufacturer Part Search. Placing the component is the same as well

Wiring the Schematic

If you prefer the arch to show where connections don’t exist it’s in the general page of preferences for the schematic

Net Labels

Right Click the Quickbar in the wire slot and select net label
Use Tab » Preferences to declare the labels
Place on a net to label it

General Rules for Drawing Schematics

Schematic Hotkeys

Spacebar: Rotate Part 90 degrees
X: Flip along X-axis
Y: Flip along Y-axis
Tab: Display Properties for a placed part, any properties filled out are kept for subsequent places of the same component(good to label reference designators)
Ctrl+Wheel: Zoom in or Out
Right Click+Drag: Move schematic
Ctrl+PgDwn: Fit Sheet to page
G: Cycle snap grids
Ctrl+W: Draw Wires

With all of this in mind, go ahead and draw up your schematic. Then we’ll move onto ERC checks.

Configure Error Reporting

Project » Project Options » Error Reporting
Chose the severity level of each warning if you’d like to alter the defaults, as a beginner I’d leave it alone

Project » Project Options » Set up as desired
If you want certain types of pins connecting to other pins configure it here. I recommend you atleast have warnings for unconnected pins

Running Design Rule Check

Panels » Messages
Project » Validate Projectname.PrjPcb

You will see errors outputted in the message box, double click the message to zoom on the error. if you consider the error to be acceptable (for example leaving one end of a potentiometer unconnected).

Right click the message and place no erc for the connection if it’s a false error. If there’s an actual error fix it, then rerun the Validation

You’re now done with the schematic! Check out the PCB tutorial if you’re responsible for the layout as well, hope this helped :)