2022 Site Revamp

What’s Going On With Me

I finally finished undergrad :) Now I’m working in design verification at Analog Devices. Starting outs been a fairly big change so I’m still getting into the swing of it. I’ll be moving soon as well so it’s been a bit stressful as of late, but I’m planning to start doing some personal projects and posting here soon.

Removal of Old Posts

I opted to remove a lot of the prior posts and tutorials from the site. I felt they weren’t really up to par with what I wanted to be hosting here. All that I’m retaining is my Altium workflow guides for both schematic and layout because I find those generally useful. There are a few other posts such as my microcontroller guide that I want to edit and improve in quality before I re-add them to the site.

Projects Plans and Content Moving Forward

This list contains the projects I’ll be working on, and the tools I intend to write up tutorials for. The tools are a far fetch from modern proprietary tools, but they’re improving quick. I don’t intend to do any tutorial on System Verilog nor Verilog itself because I feel it’s well covered but I will cover the supported subset of SV available to the tools mentioned above.

No promises on any of these, and certainly no promise on the timeline ¯\(ツ)